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A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a post about two of my favorite quotes that have meaning for healthcare design. I shared it with some of my LinkedIn groups.  Then I went on vacation.

When I got back, my in-box was full of responses from members of the ACHA and AIA/Academy of Architecture for Health groups and others to my question, "What quotes inspire you?"

Here they are, in no particular order (including a bonus one from me, top):

Fashion is architecture: it is a matter of proportions. — Coco Chanel (From Bill Coble, Steelcase Health)

Price is what you pay; value is what you get. — Warren Buffet (From Samir Mokashi, Code Unlimited LLC)

Every system is perfectly designed to achieve exactly the results that it gets. — Don Berwick, MD (From Kirk Hamilton, Texas A&M University)

Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose. — Lyndon B. Johnson (From Clyde “Ted” Moore III, Haskell Architects & Engineers)

Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself. — Leo Tolstoy (From Roger Call, Herman Miller)

Expertise is the enemy of innovation. — Stephen Shapiro (From Carlos Amato, Cannon Design)

To fly we have to have resistance. — Maya Lin (From Steve Templet, Sizeler Thompson Brown Architects)

There is no such thing as information overload, just bad design. If something is cluttered and/or confusing, fix your design. — Edward Tufte (From Architect John Temple)

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. - Edmund Burke (From Jim Moore, BP Associates)

Do it or don’t. It’s amazing how many things in life are that easy. — Henry Rollins (From Rollie Alexander, Alexander+Hibbs)

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Kristin Ellingsen

10 years ago

Sara - I'm a recent reader of your blog, and I do enjoy! I keep a note book of quotes, one of my favorites:

Joe Pettipas (VP Retail/Hospitality HOK Canada) from Contract Magazine, February 2007:

On a Successful project:

"A successful project is the coming together of the Holy Trinity of Design: a smart project solution, smarter designers, and the smartest client. Clients need to be aware of their expectations and not play this information close to the vest. A designer and solution will only be as good as the input they respond to."

Kristin Ellingsen

Sara Marberry_013-Retouched-New copy

What's my story? I'm a healthcare and senior living design knowledge expert who writes and speaks frequently about trends and issues affecting these two industries. I'm also a strategic marketing consultant and content creator, working with companies and organizations who want to improve the quality of healthcare and senior living through the design of the physical environment. You can reach me at .

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