Are you going to the Healthcare Design Expo and Conference in Orlando next month?
A printed program came in the mail last week and it reminded me that I needed to register for conference sessions. Which is a bit daunting. Because the educational program this year is packed with more than 100 sessions in 11 tracks.
That doesn't include pre-conference workshops, tours, keynotes, deep dives, and interactive sessions. There's also plenty of education to be found in the exhibit hall, too.
Of course, you don't really need to register for sessions, but it does help the conference organizers make sure there are enough chairs for everyone. People always skip sessions they intended to go to, change their minds and go to other sessions, or session-hop.
How do you pick just one session per time slot? If you're going for CEUs, that may influence which ones you choose. But if you want some suggestions, here are my picks:
Sunday, November 12
9:30 - 10:30 a.m.
E01: “The Impact of a Hospital Garden on Three Populations.” Speakers: Makayla Cordoza, MSN, RN, CCRN-K, Legacy Health; Roger Ulrich, Ph.D., EDAC, CHD Board Director Emeritus, Professor; Teresia Hazen, MEd, HTR, QMHP, Legacy Health.
Findings from new studies on the effects of a garden located near three medical departments in a hospital complex. Ulrich was an early pioneer of research on the impact of nature on patients. Can’t wait to hear about his latest work. More>>
10:45 - 11:45 a.m.
If I wasn’t already leading an interactive session during this time slot, I would clone myself and go to these three presentations:
E12: “Navigating an Ocean of Research: Our Top 10 Picks of the Year.” Speakers: Alan J. Card, Ph.D., MPH; Ellen Taylor, Ph.D., AIA, MBA, EDAC; and Melissa Piatkowski, M.S., EDAC.
In this rapid-fire session, experts from the Center for Health Design present the top 10 research articles of the past year, discussing what we’ve learned and what we still need to know. How can they pick just 10? More>>
E14: “Strategic Planning Forum - Brand the Beginning” Speakers: Andrea Harnden, Northwestern Memorial Healthcare; Gary Collins, AIA, NCARB, Forum Studio; Lynn Murphy, Northwestern Memorial Healthcare; Sean Keathley, ADRENALINE.
This group is going to tell us how they are leveraging exterior and interior branding opportunities to make a significant impact on patient awareness, consideration, service experience, and advocacy. The marketer in me loves this! More>>
E18: “The ICONS: Over and Under--Overlooked Projects from Unexpected Designers.” Speakers: Donald McKahan, AIA, FACHA, McKahan Planning Group; Jennifer Aliber, AIA, FACHA, LEED AP, Shepley Bulfinch.
This year, the ICONs program reports on innovative, but less-recognized, healthcare projects by architects and designers who fly under the radar. Always entertaining and insightful. More>>
1:45 - 2:45 p.m.
E26: “A Culture of Health: Let’s Redefine What Health Is.” Speakers: Alberto Salvatore, AIA, NCARB, EDAC; Breeze Glazer, LEED AP BD+C; Robin Guenther, FAIA, LEED Fellow.
This group from Perkins+ Will is presenting studies and demonstrable examples from around the world to illuminate how healthcare organizations and designers are working at all geographic scales to remake health-promoting places, spaces, and things. Robin Guenther is another person I never pass up the chance to hear speak. More>>
3 - 4 p.m.
E32: “Beyond Ebola: Designing a Premier Special Disease Care Unit.” Speakers: Adam O'Brien, AIA, CBLH Design; Diane Tate-Whatley, IIDA, NCIDQ, LEED AP BD+C, CannonDesign; Kevin Ortner, PMP, EDAC, The MetroHealth System.
The story behind one of the most highly advanced Ebola treatment centers in the U.S., which also serves as a standard airborne infectious isolation room suite. This remains a top-of-mind issue for healthcare facilities. More>>
Monday, November 13
9:45 - 10:45 a.m.
E44: “A Sneak Preview of the 2018 FGI Guidelines: Are you Ready for Change?” Speakers: Dana E. Swenson, PE, MBA, UMass Memorial Health Care System; Douglas Erickson, FASHE, CHFM, HFDP, CHC, Facility Guidelines Institute.
An overview of the changes to requirements for a myriad of spaces in hospitals and outpatient facilities that are being considered for the 2018 edition of the FGI Guidelines for Design and Construction. Always good to know how these and other revisions may affect the planning and design of new construction and major renovation projects. More>>
2 - 3 p.m.
“E56: Stamford Hospital's Planetree Journey.” Speakers: Kathleen Silard, RN, Stamford Health System; Stan Hunter, Stamford Hospital; Tushar Gupta, AIA, NCARB; WHR Architects, the healthcare practice of EYP.
A sequel to the 2014 Healthcare Design Expo & Conference presentation “Under the Planetree,” this presentation showcases the New Stamford Hospital, which opened to its first patients in fall of 2016 after a decade-long Planetree journey. Missed this one last year. More>>
3:15 - 4:15 p.m.
E69: “Disruptive Technologies: A Transformation of Healthcare Delivery and Design.” Speakers: Ray Pentecost, DrPH, FAIA, FACHA, LEED AP, Center for Health Systems & Design, College of Architecture, Texas A&M University; Rodney Hill, FAIA, Texas A&M University; William Persefield, AIA, ACHA, ASHE, NCARB, Navigant.
This presentation showcases some of the most disruptive telemedical technologies with a thoughtful analysis of their impact on healthcare infrastructure and design. This is a huge trend in healthcare. More>>
4:30 - 5:30 p.m.
E79: “Using Light and Darkness to Improve Sleep and Avoid Circadian Disruption.” Speakers: Helena Molero, MD, University of Minnesota Masonic Children’s Hospital (UMMCH); Jason Albrecht, University of Minnesota Masonic Children’s Hospital (UMMCH); Michael White, EDAC, LC, IES, LEED AP, Schuler Shook; Patricia Rizzo, IES, LEED AP, Philips Lighting Research North America.
Using tunable white light, complete darkness, color-changing light, and an intuitive user interface, this team created a light/dark environment intended to help patients get to sleep, remain asleep, and sleep at the optimal time of day. Interested to see the design, what bumps in the road they encountered, and their final results. More>>
Tuesday, November 14
8 – 9 a.m.
E82: “EBD in Action: Moving from Research to Design Innovation.” Speakers: Anjali Joseph, Ph.D., EDAC, Clemson University; Byron Edwards, AIA, ACHA, EDAC, LEED AP, Clemson University Architecture + Health Graduate Studies; David Allison, FAIA, FACHA, Clemson University Architecture + Health Graduate Studies; Rachel Matthews, Center for Health Facilities Design and Testing, Clemson University.
Practical ideas and case studies of how to build on rigorous research to develop innovative design concepts. Good ideas always come out of Clemson’s program. More>>
9:15 - 10:15 a.m.
E93: “The Future of Smart Patient Room Design.” Speaker: Teri Oelrich, BSN, MBA, NBBJ.
Explores the future of smart patient room design and various technologies including highly technical patient beds, interactive walls, virtual reality, patient and staff monitoring equipment and tracking systems, off-site command centers, and technology using 5G. We can never learn enough about emerging technology. More>>
1:15 - 2:15 p.m.
E110: “Crossing International Borders to Problem Solve Healthcare Facilities Headaches.” Moderator: Walt Vernon, MAZZETTI + GBA
A unique opportunity to learn about the significant efforts being undertaken around the world to address challenges in improving healthcare facilities’ energy efficiency, technology integration, and more. Expect to see a panel of international experts on this one. More>>
One More
I'd be remiss if I didn't let you know about my own session with Sarah Bader of Gensler on Sunday at 10:45 a.m. Please join us for I03: “Let's Talk Trends, Part 2: What's Next for U.S. Healthcare Facility Design and Construction.”
Continuing the conversation from last year’s standing-room-only interactive session, we'll draw on findings from recent industry reports and surveys to spark the conversation. Come prepared to share and talk about which trends you think are shaping our industry today.
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