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Every week, I digest a lot of information that's relevant to healthcare and senior living design and construction and try to make sense of it in many of the blog posts I write. But instead of offering my opinion on an issue this week, I thought I'd share a few of the voices in the industry on some of the issues that interest me.

On healthcare design and building trends:

“Hospitals are looking at how to stretch their limited dollars further by completing more projects that repurpose existing space instead of constructing new space.” Jason Fierko, Principal, Director of Healthcare, EwingCole. More>>>

On AI and technology in healthcare design:

“Instead of architecture being just a repository for advanced technology, future hospitals will become the technological framework in which platforms can plug and play. Healthcare spaces, then, need to be designed for radical flexibility.” Tushar Gupta, Healthcare Market Sector Leader, Page. More>>>

On the preliminary results of CADRE/HKS/MillerKnoll's nurse burnout research:

“The first step to developing effective solutions is to listen. The data made clear that nurses’ decision-making is hampered by constant stress and anxiety. In each of our own practice areas, we can take this insight to better design environments that support nurses to ensure better care, and better overall wellness, for all involved." Michelle Ossmanm, Ph.D., MSN, Director, Healthcare Research & Insights, MillerKnoll. More>>>

On Walmart getting out of the healthcare business:

"The experts were and are wrong. These big box retailers are really good at being big box retailers, but they honestly suck at being health care providers — even the drug store chains. They simply don’t have the ability to figure it out." Steve Moran, Founder, Senior Living Foresight More>>>

On designing to build a work culture in senior living:

“Breakrooms with the same old plastic chairs and tables are not enough,” said Isaac Wallace, design project manager of design firm Erdman. “We need to create spaces that provide a sense of comfort, variety, and privacy. Access to biophilic elements, natural light, and connection with the outdoors are a necessity not a nice to have.” More>>>

On building design's impact on health:

“That's a pretty strong statement to make, to say that the building you're in is as powerful to your health as a pill you might take, or a surgical procedure you might have in the hospital. But there is evidence to show this is the case.” Diana Anderson, M.D., Healthcare Principal, Jacobs and . More>>>

On five age-related issues the U.S. president must address:

"An 'age wave' is coming that could either make or break America. It’s critical that our next president have fresh ideas and practical solutions for the unprecedented age-related changes ahead." Ken Dychwald, best-selling author and CEO of Age Wave. More>>>

On achieving full transparency in how buildings are designed and built:

"The building community is looking heavily at carbon budgeting and embodied emissions, but we want equal focus paid to fair labor. We want to raise awareness of the embodied suffering that feeds supply chains." Sharon Price, CEO of Grace Farms Foundation, which founded the Design for Freedom movement. More>>>

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What's my story? I'm a healthcare and senior living design knowledge expert who writes and speaks frequently about trends and issues affecting these two industries. I'm also a strategic marketing consultant and content creator, working with companies and organizations who want to improve the quality of healthcare and senior living through the design of the physical environment. You can reach me at .

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